Who Is Cleaning Your Bathrooms Daytona?

7 Steps for Cleaning Your Commercial Restroom
No matter how big or small your restroom might be, it shouldn’t take a small army hours to clean it. Follow these seven steps and you can have your commercial restroom looking new in no time:
1. Put Up Wet Floor Signs
Place signs inside the bathroom and at the entrance to let anyone who may enter know that the floor could be slippery.
2. Dust, Sweep, and Empty Trash
Dust all fixtures, vents, countertops, etc before sweeping the floors. Then empty the trash receptacles and put in a new liner.
3. Refill Soap, Paper Towels, and Toilet Paper
Refill all soap, paper towel, and toilet paper dispensers.
4. Clean Toilets and Urinals
For the best results, pretreat the toilet bowls and inside the urinals first and allow the cleaner to sit for 1 to 2 minutes. Then clean the toilets and urinals thoroughly both inside and out.
5. Clean Sinks, Mirrors, and Countertops
There should be no smudges, fingerprints, water stains, soap buildup, or other marks when you’re finished.
6. Clean Walls and Fixtures
Wipe down the walls, doors, knobs, bathroom partitions, and other fixtures.
7. Mop the Floor
With a wet mop, work your way from the back of the restroom toward the door. Allow the floor to dry completely before opening the restroom to guests.
Call McFarran Corporation for all your restroom care needs. 386.266.9857